Wellness and Nutrition
People come to me who don't feel right but have been told by the medical establishment that there is nothing wrong. I have helped clients who went to over 30 medical professionals and got zero better. Or can't lose weight despite trying everything. I have helped clients get off of meds, including insulin and blood pressure meds. There is no one-size-fits-all diet. I have people who are high carb to very low carb. And some who cycle, some days low carb, some days higher. Everything I do is individualized based on using the Cell Blueprint with Bloodwork.
The Cell Blueprint is a 150 questionnaire that finds imbalances in the body. Every health issue is covered. Examples are hypoglycemia, stomach and small intestine, autoimmune, cortisol, hormones, neurotransmitters, etc. A score is given for each group. The scores are recorded on a chart, and the highest scores are the ones that have to be addressed. Some people may only have one high score; some people may have many. This is the perfect test for people who feel as if something is not right, but professionals have said there is nothing wrong. The Cell Blueprint will find where the imbalances are.
Next, depending on the client and what's going on, I look at Bloodwork. Bloodwork is not just a bunch of numbers. They paint a picture, and that picture tells a story about what is happening in the body. Understanding the entire picture is what is needed for success.
A client with Fibromyalgia for over 20 years who has had over 16 surgeries. The pain was gone after three weeks.
A client with crippling weekly migraines, including hospitalizations for 23 years. Not a single headache after two weeks.
A female client dropped two sizes in 4 months and has not been this thin as long as she can remember. Previously paid $6000 with a Dr and lost only 3 pounds.
The client dropped 89 pounds in 3 months and a total of 120 and was taken off of insulin. His words, “It was Life Changing!”
Michael@HPA.Coach 201.248.2014