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I began with shoulder pain about 4 years ago that seemed to become aggravated with the work I do, and the past years have consisted of physical therapy on and off, until my MD didn't know what to do anymore and sent me to his colleague. There, after two shots into the shoulder and Acupuncture, still no change. That doctor then sent me to a studio to meet Michael. Throughout my sessions with Michael I had no other therapy going on and his work has been the only thing that has bought on complete healing of my shoulder. My wish is that this becomes the accessible way of treating pain and imbalances in the body. I am beyond grateful to have crossed paths with Michael! 

Natalie, NJ

If you are looking for someone who truly cares about you and not just your money, Michael is that person.  I have spent thousands and years trying to lose weight and just feel better overall and no one has explained it like Michael.  I had a hysterectomy 9 years ago at the age of 39 and never started hormone therapy; drs thinking one ovary remaining would be enough.   I also have underactive thyroid and have continuously felt sluggish with no energy.  Regular doctor, endocrinologist, weight doctor, chiropractor diet fads, calorie reduction, protein shakes, laser, lipo, coolsculpting.. you name it I’ve done it all.   It all came down to my hormones and my diet.   Michael told me because of my hormones and underactive thyroid a paleo diet of meat and veggies is best for me.  Alcohol is also the worst for the thyroid (which no one ever said, and not that I was a heavy drinker, but still enjoyed it).

With changes to my diet, exercise and additional supplements along with daily check-ins, I’ve finally dropped 2 ½  sizes (still working on dropping that last full size) in the last 5months.

Michael took the time to explain the in depth exact science behind everything, looked at my blood work from my doctor and added supplements that helped me.  He took his time and always gave his full attention during visits.  

I highly recommend Michael.  He’s down to earth, patient, tells it like it is, has nothing to gain but your own health, happiness and healing.

Karen, Bethlehem PA

Left leg 25% less range of motion, uneven hips and pronated right ankle all fixed in one session.

                                                                     Madalyne, Bethlehem


In December of 2004, Mark Simoneau was told that if his team, the Philadelphia Eagles, made it to the Super Bowl, he would not play. When I first saw him, he was on 2 crutches. After 1 session, he was using 1 crutch. After the second session, he no longer needed crutches at all. After the 3rd  session, he was practicing with the team. He played in the Super Bowl and was fine. 

An NJ State Trooper had shoulder pain for 1 ½ years. He saw 3 doctors, a chiropractor, and a therapist and found NO relief. After one session with me, he was pain free! 

“A big thank you to my incredibly talented, kind and brilliant boss Michael Padula. Working for and with him has been a blessing. Had it not been for him I would not have been able to get past my knee injury so quickly, or at all. Thank you Michael, I never would have been able to do this show without you and the VOILA method. I highly recommend anyone to contact him!”
-Maggie, PA (Body Building Champion)


“I always say this, I don’t know what you actually do but it works! My knee has been feeling so much better! I did spin yesterday, once my seat was correct height, no pain! And I worked out today and I’m good...such a huge improvement! I can not thank you enough!”

Cynthia, Pa


Look at his left and right traps (by his neck) , both armpits , the hips, and the spine . This was after 1 session .

He is not done but HUGE changes after 1 session.

Jim mac_edited.jpg

I first worked with Jim McKenzie in 1998 when he was with the Phoenix Coyotes. We worked till his last year when he won the Stanley Cup with the Devils in 2004. 


Eric Duncan came to my training center in August of 2002. He was one of the most focused athletes ever. In May of 2003 he was a 1st round draft pick for the NY Yankees. This pic was taken in my center after he was drafted.

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Podium 1/2 marathoner for 20 years. She tripped 7 years ago and

lost her running form. She was diagnosed with Runners Dystonia. 

After two sessions and her biomechanics are perfect!

Yes, this happens every day!

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