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Nutrition for kids


A little girl with a beautiful life ahead of her


A mother of a three ½ year old reached out to me a few years ago. She said that her daughter was labeled special needs by the state of Pennsylvania and a neuropsychologist labeled the child as autistic. She wanted help for her daughter and had already gone to a number of medical professionals. The doctors said there was nothing they could do for the child. Some doctors said they could  medicate the child. Other doctors said they could medicate the mother!!! She did not accept any of those options. She tried various things. Some were very costly but nothing helped. She reached out to me and asked if I could help. Previously I never worked with anyone under the age of 13 but this mother really wanted help for her daughter so I said yes.  When I work with clients I look at their blood work and they do the Cell Blueprint  questionnaire.  Obviously a  three 1/2 year old cannot answer a questionnaire so I had only blood work to work with.  I should add the child ate a normal diet up until she was 1 ½ years old. After that the child became a very picky eater and would not eat much. The child was very small and at the bottom of the percentage scale. This was going on for 2 years before I met with the child. After running basic blood work I saw a number of nutritional deficiencies. I devised a plan with the nutrients in a liquid form. After about 4 weeks the child started to eat regular food again. She would even ask for second helpings, something she never did before . Her behavior improved tremendously, it was a huge difference. Three months later  the mom sent me a text saying that she was enrolling her daughter into preschool. She was just so happy I helped them because she did not expect her daughter to be going to preschool until the following year. This occurred almost three years ago and I'm glad to say the child is doing fantastic and is in kindergarten.


I have waited 3 years before telling others about this. I have worked with other children during that time with great results. I have not let anyone know that I work with children. It has been referrals from people that I have helped that sent parents/children to me. ALL have had great results.

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