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Eliminate Your Pain and Improve Performance!


Over the past 25 years, I worked from New York to Ohio. My clients include world-famous medical doctors, their families, RNs, PTs, and others in the medical field.  I have also worked with local amateur athletes up to professional athletes in the NFL, MLB, NBA, and NHL. My clients' ages run from toddlers to the elderly.


In my 30-second commercial, one doctor told me that I should call myself the Pain Terminator, but I also improve performance and movement. (In the video section, there is my 30-second commercial that took 22 minutes on YouTube to describe what I do and why it works).


What I do is a combination of many things. Techniques used, ART - Active Release Techniques, Stretch to Win, Somatotherapy, E.L.D.O.A., Applied Kinesiology, FAT- Fascial Abrasion Techniques, P-DTR, VOILA, Matrix Energetics, Qigong, and about eight more techniques.


Everything I do is based on testing throughout the session. This is why 80% of the people I see only need one session, and 90% need two sessions. 95% need three sessions, and 99% need 4-5. 


In December of 2004, Philadelphia Eagles Mark Simoneau gave me a call. He told me the team said to him if they made it to the Super Bowl, he would not play and that he needed surgery based on MRIs. He asked me to come down and see what I could do. When I got there, he was on two crutches. We did a session, and he called me two days later. He asked me to come back the following week. He was on one crunch! We did a session. Two days later, he called me and asked me to come back down the next week. He was on zero crutches. We did a session. He called me two days later and asked me to come down again, and he was practicing with the team. He played the Super Bowl pain-free. 2 weeks after the game, the Eagles sent him for surgery despite him telling them that he did not need surgery. While on the operating table, they opened him up and said to him that there was nothing wrong with him and sowed him shut!


​I have helped clients like  (NYC's BEST Strength coach) who had hip pain for 19 years! It took three sessions, and it has been gone since 2018. I have seen him since for knee pain in 2020.  More interesting is that 2 of my mentors worked on him previously with no success- this is why I combine 18 techniques!


I helped a woman who was going to medical doctors and PTs with shoulder pain for four years. One of the doctors knew me (he came to me for help despite him having an office full of PTs) and sent her to me. Her pain was gone in 4 weeks. She said I did more in 4 weeks for her in the MDs, and PTs did in 4 years. I had another woman, Natalie, who also was with two doctors, PTs, Acupuncture, shots, and so on for four years for her shoulder pain. I got her pain-free and full range of motion in the 1st session! (Read her testimony in the testimonial section. BTW, the same MD who sent the first one to me sent this one as well).


To be clear, there are some exceptions. I have a 77-year-old University Professor with scoliosis and kyphosis. I cannot correct that, BUT I can keep him relatively pain-free by seeing him every month.


Also, those who have previous surgeries may need a few sessions, may need more.

Nutrition and inflammation also play a role. I just had a nutrition client who has severe knee pain and saw Orthopedic specialists in Philadelphia. Her pain disappeared two weeks after she started the nutrition program that I designed for her. I did not do any pain work on her or anyone else! She was blown away!

The government says 93% of Americans have nutrient deficiencies. Simply put, that causes cells not to work well, which causes tissue not to work well....


Michael Padula- Human Performance Authority. www.HPA.Coach Michael@HPA.Coach



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