Who I have studied under and the year that I started studying under them. Some, like Dr. Serrano, Dr. Morrison, and Dr Walsh, I have never stopped studying under them. This is a partial list.
Charles Poliquin. 1995. World's Greatest Strength Coach with more Olympic Medalists and World Record holders than anyone else by far. Interned four times with him and had him do numerous seminars at my training center. I have studied under Charles for over 20 years, and we became good friends.
Daoist Master Wu Dang Chen 1996. The Daoist monks walked down Wu Dang Mountain and into Chen's village when he was six years old. Chen asked them a question, and they knew that he was the chosen one. He left his family and village and did not return until he was 16 years old. The Daoist Priests taught Chen Tai Chi, Qigong, Kung Fu, Nei Dan Medication, Daoist Philosophy, Chinese Medicine, and more. There have been numerous articles written about him in Kung Fu magazines.
Dr Eric Serrano MD. 1997. My #1 health and nutrition mentor to this day. We are good friends as well, and I have been to his house many times. Eric became a doctor in 1989 and quickly became one of the world's best, working with elite athletes to help them with injuries and performance. At the same time, he became known for helping sick people who were told by the best Doctors that they could not be helped. He has an 80% success rate helping these people become HEALTHY with nutrition and supplements and gets the most off of all medications. He also teaches Med school part-time and has been formulating supplements for major companies for over 30 years and holds many patents.
Dr Michael Leahy 1998. He invented Active Release Technique-ART, which is the best soft tissue myofascial release to date. ALL Pro Sports teams have someone who does ART for them. No other myofascial release compares. I have been Certified in Spine, Upper, and Lower, and Dr Leahy himself certified me in Biomechanics at the 2005 Iron Man in Lake Placid, NY.
Dr Mark Lindsay, 1998 World renowned Soft Tissue Specialist to the Elite Olympic medalists, World Record holders, Pro Tennis, NHL, MLB, NFL. Including Tiger Woods. The Canadian government hires him to treat the Canadian Olympians.
Dr. Keith Pyne 1999 World renowned Soft Tissue Specialist to the Elite Olympic medalists, World Record holders, NHL, MMA, Boxers, NFL, and MLB, including he was the team Doctor for the Washington Nationals when they won the World Series. On every sports page, there is an athlete Keith worked with.
Anne and Chris Fredericks 1999. They formed Stretch to Win. Stretch to Win is the #1 stretch education company in the world. I first studied under them in 1999 and then flew them to my training center in 2000 to train my staff.
Dr John Schneider 2000. Top ART instructor, ART for the NY Giants to Phil Mickelson
Dr David Leaf 1999. World's BEST Applied Kinesiologist. He studied with the creator, Dr Goodheart, in the 1960s. Athletes and regular people fly from around the world to see him. Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a system that evaluates structural, chemical, and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing combined with other standard methods. AK is a non-invasive system of evaluating body function that is unique in the healing arts. Treatments may involve specific joint manipulation or mobilization, various myofascial therapies, cranial techniques, meridian skills, evaluating environmental irritants, and various reflex procedures.
Dr Jeffrey Morrison 2000. One of the best MDs in the world is located in NYC. He, like Dr Serrano, fixes sick people and gets them off of medications with nutrition and supplementation.
Dr Dale Buchburger. 2001 ART instructor and Shoulder specialist. Farm team Doctor for the Toronto Blue Jays. In 2002, I flew him to my center to learn a deeper understanding of shoulder exercises, rehab, and his unique ART shoulder treatments.
Tom Meyers 2002 - Anatomy Trains creator (my picture is in the 2nd edition of the book, and I am also in his Body Reading Videos). Tom created a system to treat myofascial lines in 2001. This quickly became adapted for use in other modalities.
Dr Guy Voyer, 2003 Osteopath from Marseilles, France. He created the E.L.D.O.A method (opening up the spine) and Pumpage, a system of opening up joints. Clients that he treats include Royalty of many countries, professional athletes in all sports, especially top European soccer stars, and he is in charge of taking care of the Retired French Ballerinas from the French Ballet. He also teaches Osteopathy.
Dr Bryan Walsh. Doctor and teacher extraordinaire. Bryan takes biochemistry, physiology, and blood lab chemistry and teaches in a way to understand what's happening and why versus memorization. Oh, he is also a great doctor! I have been part of his Clinicians Group for over four years. I have been in his Clinician Group since the day that Dr Walsh started it.
What do ALL of the above have in common? They all know the entire body works as a system. For example, if someone has a shoulder issue, the entire body needs to be looked at, NOT just the shoulder.
Michael Padula- Human Performance Authority. www.HPA.Coach Michael@HPA.Coach