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Michael Padula

CSCS, Human Performance Authority

Pain Terminator, Performance Optimizer, Health and Nutrition Specialist


As a young child I was obese but since I was an only child, I had no idea! I was also sick all of the time. When I went to kindergarten, I realized I was much larger than everyone else! I started playing tennis around 12 years of age. I started to lose weight. I was also skiing in the winter. I took up weightlifting around 13. It seemed to me if I became stronger and healthier, I would be better at both sports. At that time, I started reading about weightlifting and nutrition. When I got to Montclair State I did very well in Nutrition. Around 1995 I realized there was a lot of conflicting information. So, I decided to find who was the best and most successful in their field and learn from them! I was blessed, lucky maybe, to have studied under all of the people who were the very best. Many ask me how they can learn what I have. Unfortunately, that's not possible. I was in the right place at the right time. That being said, I continue to learn each, and every day and I will till the day that I die. Just like my mentors. There is a list on another page of who I studied under.

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