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* Health and Nutrition Specialist *Pain Terminator * Performance Optimizer* 

Human Performance Authority




If you or anyone you know says.

“I don't feel right yet the Doctors can't find anything wrong.”
“I eat right but can't lose weight”

 “I have this pain, but I have tried everything and nothing helps.”





I was obese at a very young age, and I was also very sick. When I went to kindergarten I looked around and I saw that I was the only fat kid, but I didn't know it because I didn't have many friends as a young only child. I almost did not graduate second grade. Not because of my grades. I had Straight A's but because I missed so many days from being sick they said if I missed one more day of school for being sick, I would not graduate second grade. I lost the weight around the age 12 and by age 13 I was working out in the gym at school. Also, my health had improved. I decided I did not want to be overweight or sick anymore and it was my goal at that time to be healthy. I bought all the bodybuilding magazines and then graduated to nutrition textbooks before I went to college. I studied nutrition at Montclair State. After graduating with my nutrition goals and gym goals, I was not very successful putting into use what I had learned at Montclair State.  In 1995 that all changed. I met Charles Poliquin, a world-famous strength coach from Canada who had more world record holders, Olympic medalist than anyone and trained many professional athletes. He taught me why my training was not as successful as it should have been. In 1997 he introduced me to Dr Eric Serrano MD who was working with professional athletes, bodybuilders, powerlifters, and helping them win and succeed with nutrition and supplements BUT also fixed the sickest people in the country. People who were told by the medical establishment that could not be helped. He has been my mentor and friend ever since. He taught me things that very few know about. In 1998 Charles introduced me to Dr Michael Leahey who invented Active Release Techniques (ART). Active Release Techniques to fix neuromuscular issues and pain in one to five sessions. By the year 2000 every single Pro Team and their minor league teams in ALL sports had someone who did Active Release Techniques. To be clear ART works great on non-athletes as well!

Around 1997 I started helping bodybuilders win contests. I then moved on in 1998 to working with professional athletes. Then I studied under Dr Michael Leahy and was certified in Active Release Techniques. At that time in the late 1990s there were not many qualified people to do training or nutrition or supplementation or dealing with injuries at a high, professional level. So, I learned how to do it all from the best in the world. There is a page on this website where my mentors are listed. I recommend that you check it out. I continue to study to this day under the world's best.

I had a training studio in Ridgewood New Jersey where one of my athletes was a first-round draft pick of the New York Yankees, six of my kids went to the NFL, 8 of my kids went to Major League Baseball, five kids in one season got Division 1 scholarships for football from one school. There were many others.  I worked on injuries from athletes from the Steelers, Ravens, Eagles, Giants, Devils, Yankees and so on. BUT on the other end I was helping everyday people achieve their goals and remove their pain. Many who had seen Doctors and PTs for many years, and I resolved their issues in 1 to 3 sessions (to be clear, besides ART, I have added 18 other modalities including having studied with French Osteopath Dr Guy Voyer for 3 years).

To be clear, much of my success with the pro athletes and the kids that got drafted to become Pros came from nutrition and supplementation as well as training and injury prehab and rehab.  Nutrition was taught to me by Dr Eric Serrano. He taught me how to read blood labs, what to look for and how to make people healthy and successful whether a Pro athlete or someone who did not feel right and the doctors telling them they could find nothing wrong.

Half of my business is dealing with injuries and the other half is nutrition and wellness and making people healthy. I no longer do training, there's just not enough time. Sometimes pain and injuries need to be helped through nutrition and that's why I do both. Plus, I enjoy doing both. I could not make a decision between doing one or the other. I love them both equally. And I am equally successful and trained in both.


If you or anyone you know says.

“I don't feel right yet the Doctors can't find anything wrong.”
“I eat right but can't lose weight”

 “I have this pain, but nothing helps.”






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